Over a period of nearly 2 years, in 2004 and 2005, I was repeatedly given a chance to visit Kew Gardens in London, UK. I got my first digital camera in 2004 and the plants and flowers at Kew became my practice targets. I have never been able to return to Kew Gardens since then, but the roughly 700 photos from that period are cherished memories. I have thought for a long time that some of those photos could eventually become a book, but only now, after having self-published two other books did I feel I could sit down and make my book about Kew.
Kew Gardens will always stand for me as the perfect place to take photographs. I take photos in my own garden, on a weekly basis, and you can see many of them here on my web-site, but the flowers and plants in my garden are not as perfect as they are at Kew, and I have to tidy up and do all the weeding first, before I can start taking photos! You won’t be asked to do any dead-heading at Kew; it’s all perfect every morning, every day of the year. The 700 strong staff makes sure of that. It simply is the perfect place to take photos, if trees, plants and flowers - and the occasional curious
squirrel are your thing. So sit down and enjoy the photos, this is not a serious horticultural encyclopaedia; this is a book about photos of beautiful plants and flowers - and there is even a squirrel, on page 36. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed making it! |
Below you will find a link to a PDF file with all the pages including the covers for the book. If you have a reasonably large monitor you could get a 100% view of the pages, which will give you a nice view. Press F11 or Ctrl+L to get Full Screen Mode, which gives an even better view. Depending on which browser you use it might be a different key combination, if you click on ‘view' on top of your screen you should be able to find how to get a Full Screen Mode. Sorry for the large file size, pictures are notoriously difficult to compress, and one are always left with the dilemma between file size and picture quality. I hope you will agree they are worth waiting for, alternatively, you can have a look a bit further down on this page, where you will find a smaller, low resolution, quicker to load preview of the book. Enjoy! |
Tip: View the PDF pages in Full Screen Mode: press Ctrl+L and use the up and down arrows on your keyboard (or F11, depending on which browser you use). Press Ctrl+L (F11) when finished. |
I have joined a book club for people who self publish, and the Kew Gardens book is now available for anyone to buy directly! It's so easy, the price is great compared to my previous printer here in the UK, and from now on I intend to make all my books with them.
This link will take you to their virtual book store, where my books are presented, and where you can see a preview of the book and make an order. You will need to sign up for a free membership to make an order. You can also get a preview and go directly to the order page via the BookShow Widget below. Press the Full Screen Button to get full view. Press Escape when finished. |