After a rather short gestation, helped by numerous cups of coffee and more chocolate than my hips actually can tolerate and with the aid of many long evenings and nights my baby, sorry my book number 5 is finally born. The delivery was short and relatively pain free, although my Internet connection was groaning in pain due to the rather large birth weight, but I finally got the 'Upload Completed' and I could sigh a big relief. Book number five is here. The book is my complete blog for 2011. And why on earth would anyone want their blog in a book, you might wonder, isn't it online? Well, it is, but I wanted to save it for 'forever'…and who knows how long my stuff on the Internet is going to be kept. Forever? Forever?? Well, forever is a very long time, I won't live forever, I might not even live for very long, but my books will be here for a long time.
Do you have any old books in your bookshelf? Any books that are more than 100 years old, perhaps as old as 200 years old? I find it fascinating to think that my grandchildren one day might sit down with their grandchildren and show them my books. I doubt very much that my blog will still be accessible on the Internet by then, but my books will still be here.
I have been posting things on the Internet since 1999, starting with the very first baby steps I took playing with web design and graphic design back then and although I now, 13 years later have many more people visiting my website than I could ever imagine, and same goes for my blog for that matter – my books still stands for something special to me.